Friday, 13 November 2009

Start spreading the news...

I'm leaving today
I want to be a part of it
New York,  New York

OK, I am not actually leaving for NYC today, but I am leaving first thing in the morning.  There has been a lot going on here in Dallas since I arrived and I have been trying to fit in lots of stuff before I leave, which is why I have been silent on the blogging front.

My best bud came over this afternoon and helped me pack and I really enjoyed visiting with her. She neatly folded all my clothes and my bag is so tidy! Usually when I pack it looks like a bomb exploded in my suitcase,  so I feel a little sad that I can't take her with me everywhere I go so that this won't be the case anymore.

Anyway,  my family is off to a CF fundraising event shortly and I am hoping I get to go.  I took some medicine for my stomach earlier but so far it is not having the desired effect but is making me feel like I am gonna talk to Chuck on the big white telephone.  Nice.  And the event is centered all around tasting the food of different Dallas restaurants, so go figure that today of all days I would feel queasy.  I can just picture me trying something and saying, "Oh, this is great!" and then promptly barfing. Because I do, after all, generally have impeccable timing with these things. Fingers crossed this is not the case.  But if I did chuck in the middle of the event, at least I would have some really priceless blog material ; )

Well, gonna keep this brief and say goodbye, but I do promise to try and write about my NYC adventures.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

28 Days Later

28 days ago I entered hospital and began IV antibiotics. 28 days later I am pleased to report that this little episode in my life hopefully has come to an end. It's been a bumpy 28 days, but at least I didn't wake up to find Britain decimated by a virus and full of zombies, unlike the poor chap in that movie.  It has been a rough ride mentally and physically, so I am trying to focus on the positives.  Thus, I think it is positively great that I am not dead, undead, or surviving in a city filed with the undead.  Having said that, between the bruising, the awkward and zombie like way I have been holding my arms out (to protect my IV line), the ashen face, the under eye circles and generally poor demeanor, I think it is safe to say that if I came across the undead,  they would likely take me for one of their own.

But enough zombie talk.  I am feeling better chest infection wise. However, and very annoyingly,  my asthma is now playing up and refusing to give up the ghost.  Oh, for those who don't know, I have really nasty asthma on top of CF - a real double whammy!  I am not surprised though because my asthma is always terrible when the weather changes and the weather in London has been all over the place as of late.  I am like one of those old women who can tell it is gonna rain cause her bones hurt.  But instead of achey bones, I get really twitchy airways.  I am a walking human barometer!  So the docs tripled my normal dose of steroids last week but so far it hasn't helped.  Today at my follow up appointment,  I told the doc this and because my airways are still feeling so tight,  we both agreed that doing a spirometry would be pointless.  So he made some changes to my asthma meds and hopefully they will break this cycle soon.  And if the meds don't help, then hopefully a change of scenery and weather will.

And it just so happens that I am headed for the States on Thursday,  so that's lucky.